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College experiences: Welcome


For p403, one of our class assignments/activities was to train for and run a 5K with our classmates. Having never completed any kind of race, training for a 5K was a very new experience for me, it had felt as though I was right back in my high school wrestling team training for endurance. Nevertheless, it was very fun to be able to train with some of my friends and have the support of the class to help motivate me. On top of that, I was almost able to complete it within my target time, with a little over 2 minutes over.

College experiences: About


For P 433, we were tasked to work with a client of our choosing for 9 weeks, and I was lucky enough to train an amazing client who showed great progress in her goals. During each week we developed a workout plan for our clients and trained them for about 50 minutes twice a week. Through this experience, I was able to engage in one-on-one training which boosted my confidence in speaking with confidence. I also developed some practical skills (like forming a workout plan and adapting to situations on the fly) that are going to be essential in my career of chiropractic.


During this internship, there were a few moments that stood out to me and gave me valuable insight to improvements that I could make in my training.

The first happened when my client was struggling to complete a specific task I had set for her, but because it was within her capabilities on paper, I encouraged her to keep pushing. She ended up stopping the exercise early out of exhaustion and I realized that in order to be a good trainer, the distinction of what a client is capable of doing on paper vs in reality is often times very different. So going forward, I listened very intently to what my client had to say as well as frequently asked if they are comfortable with each exercise. 


The second instance was when my client hadn't completed her home workouts and started saying how she should have done better and won't skip them in the future. I asked if there was anything I could do to make it more engaging and fun for her, and she mentioned that she liked dancing as a cardio exercise, so I was able to get dance exercise videos that my professor had and added them into the weekly at home plans. After this, she was very engaged in her at home exercises and started doing them every week. This showed that in order to help motivate clients, I would have to make exercise something that they would want to do by adding in some interest of theirs to make it more enjoyable.


6 word reflection: There's no way I did that.


The meaning behind this is that a year ago, I wouldn't have believed that I was able to accomplish something like this. I'm usually fairly shy and I don't necessarily like new situations so to go through an internship like this is absolutely ground breaking for me.

College experiences: Text


The Motor Activity Clinic is a clinic where children with disabilities are paired with health science students and participate in planned activities for about 9 weeks. The client that I had worked with was very energetic and enthusiastic about the activities I had planned for him. each week we would plan about 5 activities to do in the IUPUI basketball court and 5 activities to do in the IUPUI instructional pool. 


This was a very daunting experience to start because I have never worked with individuals with special needs, but after starting with my client, my fears were quickly put to rest. Me and my client had an awesome 9 weeks with each other and I was lucky to be able to meet and work with them for this awesome experience.

College experiences: Text
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Camp Brosius is a summer camp for all health science students at IUPUI, it is designed to help students gain experience in leadership roles and responsibilities. It was difficult at first on account of the weather not being in our favor, with near freezing temperatures at night during early May in Wisconsin, but after getting over the cold, camp was actually very fun. At camp, we were assigned different groups that we would orchestrate activities with and our group, the cobras, were in charge of a campfire activity, where we made smores, played games, and engaged in group activities involving the whole camp.

While there we were able to discover some of our strengths, my top 5 were: Adaptability, Empathy, Positivity, Includer, and Learner. I believe that what these top five strengths says about my character is that I am empathetic toward everyone in the group and I stive to work out a solution that includes everyone's input and skills. In summary, this camp experience was definitely memorable to say the least.

College experiences: Text
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